Alina Deică

November 2020 - December 2020

Starting on November 1st, 2020, a selection of the paintings will be presented in the hall of the wonderful CARO hotel, in Bucharest, Romania.

Exhibition organized by the Elite Prof Art Gallery.

See link for location.

October 2020 - December 2020

Starting on October 14th, 2020, a selection of the paintings will be presented in the famous hotel Hilton Athenee Palace, in Bucharest, Romania.

Exhibition organized by the Elite Prof Art Gallery.

Vernissage on October 14th at 19:00. See link for location.

November 2019 - February 2020

Starting on November 7th, a selection of the paintings will be presented in the wonderful atmosphere on the Traunsee.

Vernissage on November 7th at 18:00 in the Schwanthaler Gallery, Thomas Schwanthaler-Gasse 1-3, 4813 Gmunden, Austria. See link for location.

Permanent exhibition

A selection of the paintings are continuously presented in the Schwanthaler Gallery, Thomas Schwanthaler-Gasse 1-3, 4813 Gmunden, Austria. Several paintings are offered also on the on-line shop Designshop24.

See link for location.

September 2019

A selection of paintings will be presented at the Tiberius Gallery at the exhibition “Malweiber” in Neu Isenburg, Germany. From 6th to 28th of September 2019.

August 2019

A selection of paintings will be presented at the opening event of the Music-Hall “Auditorium” during the international classic music festival Academia Sighisoara 2019, in the old castle Sighisoara.  

Vernissage on August 4th at 11:00.

February 2019

A selection of paintings will be presented at the exhibition “Bubbles in Jazz” (Art Exhibition and Jazz Concert) at the Tevere Art Gallery in Rome, Italy.  

Vernissage on February 21 at 20:00 in Via di Santa Passera 25, Rome.

See link for location.

March 2018 - October 2018

A dedicated exhibition “Natural Selection” will take place at the Schwanthaler Gallery in Gmunden, Austria. Starting on March 17th, a selection of the paintings will be presented in the wonderful atmosphere on the Traunsee.

Vernissage on March 17th at 18:00 in Thomas Schwanthaler-Gasse 1-3, 4813 Gmunden, Austria. See link for location.

December 2017

A selection of the paintings will be presented in Wiener Neustadt, Austria, between the 1st and the 3rd of December at the event dedicated to the Romanian Independence Day (1st of December). The events and the exhibitions are organized and supported by RadioTV Unirea, Austria. Locations are:

1st of December, 19:00, at the Cafe Restaurant Adrienn, Schulgasse 6 in Lanzenkirchen, Austria.

2nd of December, 16:00, at the Episcopia Romano Catolica, Domplatz 1, Wiener Neustadt, Austria.

3rd of December, Biserica Greco-Catolica, Wiener Neustadt, Austria

August 2017

A dedicated exhibition “Antologia intalnirilor” will take place from 18th to 30th of August in Sighisoara, Romania, at the Sander Hall in the old castle. The event and the exhibition is supported by the city-hall Sighisoara.

See the event echo in Viata Romaneasca.

May 2017

Six selected paintings will be presented at an the international exhibition “Europe Day” in Vienna, Austria. The event and the exhibition is organized by the Romanian Embassy in Vienna and by RadioTV Unirea (and others).

April 2017

Number of selected paintings will be presented at an the international exhibition ARTTRAD in Sebes, Romania. The exhibition is organized by the Isabelle Gallery, opening will be on 28th of April at the National College Lucian Blaga.

March 2017 - April 2017

Number of selected paintings will be presented at an the “In Memoriam des Hl. Bruder Albert” exhibition, in the Donaucitykirche in Donaucitystr. 2, 1220 Vienna, Austria. The vernissage will be on 3rd of March, at 19:00. This event is organized by the Meduna Art Gallery (Kunstgalerie Meduna) from Vienna, Austria.

The exhibition will be open until 4th of April 2017.

December 2014 - May 2015

Number of selected paintings will be presented at the exclusive Wine Bar “1000 de Chipuri” in Bucharest, Romania. The Wine Bar “1000 de Chipuri” is located in Bucharest, Str. 11 Iunie no. 17, Romania.

July 2014 - August 2014

Over 30 painting were selected by the Elite Art Gallery in Bucharest, Romania, to be shown in a dedicated exhibition. Impressive echo followed in the press and the media.

A link to the critic review, written by Florin Toma and published in Viata Romaneasca, is here.

May 2013 - April 2014

An exhibition with over 20 paintings was organized and supported by the L’Idea Al Teatro restaurant in Vienna, Austria.

February 2012 - November 2012

The famous Jacques Wein Depot in Vienna, Austria, organizes every year special art events. For several month, the guests could admire Alina’s paintings in a special exhibit called “Wilde Farben” (Wild Colours).

June 2021 - August 2021

Starting on June 10th, 2021, a selection of the paintings will be presented in the exhibit area of the Crowne Plaza Bucharest hotel, Romania.

Exhibition organized by the Elite Prof Art Gallery.

See link for location.

October 2021 - January 2022

Starting on October 18th, 2021, a selection of the paintings will be presented in the Cafe Schwarzenberg, Vienna, Austria.

See link for location.

April 2024 - ongoing

Starting on April 2nd, 2024, a dedicated exhibition will be presented in the Schwanthaler Galery, Gmunden, Austria.

See link for location.

October 2023 - November 2023

Starting on October 1sth, 2023, a selection of the paintings will be presented in the Făgăraş County Museum “Valer Literat”, Romania, as part of the Blue Biennale 2024 event in Brasov.

See link for location.